Member Profile: Marcelo Coelho

“My mission is to reveal and interpret stories - making them relevant to people's lives.”

What is your full name: Marcelo Abreu Coelho
What is your profession: photographer/videomaker
Currently located: City of Nova Lima, near the capital Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Born in Brazil, in 1963, Marcelo Coelho became first involved with photography at the age of 11. As a boy Marcelo Coelho would depict his day-dreams, by cutting and pasting magazine images.  Now, some forty years later, he does it through his photographs. Coelho is an editorial, commercial, and fine art photographer.  His work has been featured in Graphis, Camera Arts Magazine, Luerzer's Archive and numerous other books and magazines, annual reports,  ad campaigns, and service organization publications. 

“What motivates me: to dive deeply, intuitively and as invisibly as possible on the subject to reveal the authentic and unusual connections between our lives.”

In the last 3 decades, Coelho has visited 25 countries photographing real moments of interaction between places, brands and people. 

Who inspires you the most in terms of social change or creative expression / innovation?
Creative expression: Matty Brown, Jonathan Chapman, Brandon Li, Doug Menuez, Nadav Kander, Morgan Maassen, 

If you could create a society from scratch, what would this look like?
It would be something like the Navi tribe from “Pandora” in the film Avatar. The connection with nature’s and the universe infinite energy would prevail over any form of institution. Diversity of races and ways of life would be celebrated. Abundance would be the main form of collective belief. 

How does being part of the CTLST* community serve you?
Positive energy.

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