

We need your help to get #FreeTheFamilies trending. 

The good news is that a federal judge ruled that children being held in Family Detention Centers by ICE must be released immediately because COVID-19 is seriously endangering them. 

Unfortunately, the judge does not have jurisdiction over the parents being held in these facilities, and has left it up to the government agencies, DHS and ICE, to either release the parents along with the children or release the children to sponsors. 

Join our campaign to amplify the call to #FreeTheFamilies together. Help us show the size and power of this movement by taking action today: 


  • Make a call to acting ICE Director and ask that the children be released by July 27th. Instructions, including a script of what to say, are here:

  • Share this page on your social channels to spread the word:

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Check out the campaign video we made with user-generated content:

View this post on Instagram

๐‰๐จ๐ข๐ง ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐ž๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ๐‚๐„ #๐…๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐“๐ก๐ž๐…๐š๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐Ž๐—ช! โฃ โฃ A judge ordered that by THIS FRIDAY, July 17th 139 migrant children must be released from ICE detention Centers and leave their parents behind. โฃ โฃ We have the power to set things right.โฃ Not to separate kids from their parentsโฃ But to separate Right from Wrong. โฃ โฃ 1. Sign the petition at change.org/freethefamiliesโฃ 2. Call your congress member and tell them to #FreeTheFamilies โฃ 3. Help us amplify this message by tagging someone in the comments and sharing this video with your networks. โฃ โฃ Weโ€™re grateful to @auravasquezofficial @malerodriguezh @blueyedtine @bengleib @1justinesophia @ljcollet @namastenirav @son_ofthewoods @ubtff @miltoncurz_la @stacy_tenhouten @carolinazuleta @amyelizabethessentials @ronhirt @jessderv @ctlst_media for coming together to make this video and supporting the work of these great organizations: @weallgrowlatina @touchinglandorg @raicesaction @fams2getherโฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ .โฃ โฃ โฃ #freethefamilies #familiesbelongtogether #immigration #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #freeourkids #freethekids #abolishice #abolishracism #nohumanbeingisillegal #dotherightthing #wemustdobetter #takeastand #fightforchange #fightforjustice #socialactivism #homeishere #freethemall #nokidsincages #nooneisillegal #congress #political #politicalart #getinvolved #futuredreamers #dontstaysilent #actnow #immigranrights #undocumented

A post shared by CTLST* MEDIA (@ctlst_media) on

Make Your Own Video to Contribute to the Compilation Video:


How to make your video:

  1. Print out this script. (below)

  2. Pick a clean background. Center yourself in the frame, vertical is preferable. Record the script in its entirety or line by line. Give us 2 versions to pick from.

  3. Send your recording to hello@ctlst.co โ€“ weโ€™ll assemble a supercut and share it on our social channels and send a copy back to you for you to share.

#FreeTheFamilies Video Script

A judge ordered that by July 17th
139 migrant children 
will be released from ICE detention Centers.

Theyโ€™ll have to leave
their parents behind. 
And be separated from their families

But we have the Power 
to set things right.
We have the powerโ€ฆ
not to separate kids from their parents
But to separate Right from Wrong

We have the Power 
To demand that they Free the Families 

We have the Power
To do whatโ€™s right.
And we have the Power 
To do it right now.

Sign the petition:   #FreeTheFamilies 


Once youโ€™ve recorded your video, send it to us at hello@ctlst.co. Then, share your video on all of you social media platforms.

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